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Black Orchid cat

Black orchid is a species of orchid are protected in Indonesia since threatened extinction in their natural habitat.The characteristics of Black orchid cat. Orchid This orchid species called the black cat because it has a black flower with two petals and hairy. The number of flowers in each cluster between 5 to 14 petals or more.

Black orchid (Coelogyne pandurata) grow in the shade. Generally, the fauna species of orchids west Kalimantan identity is growing in the lowlands of ancient trees, near the coast or in low-lying swamp area that is hot enough and close to rivers in the wet 
forest.Plants are epiphytic (live ride on other plants) have multiplied with seed. However, black orchid can also bred by separating its quasi tuber.

The Wild Orchid Black Dark. The population of black orchid (Coelogyne pandurata) in the wild habitat is increasingly rare. Although, according to Regulation No. 7 of 1999 orchid is protected and prohibited free trade (except of captive breeding), but the hunting is done to take and sell this type of orchid to orchid collectors do not go down.
In addition, starting the shift functions of forests to plantations and settlements and forest fires that occur each year more and make the black population in the wild orchids growing danger of extinction.
Maybe the lovers and collectors of orchids before purchasing a black orchid must be careful, whether black orchid which was purchased from captive breeding or the hunting of the wild. Although many orchid lovers who collect black orchid, but the extinction of this species in the wild is still a big loss for biodeversity Indonesia. Do not let the orchid lovers became the main cause of extinction in the wild black orchid.


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